A few responses to some of the most ridiculous trans cult “arguments”:

“If you’re initially attracted to someone who passes as a woman, you wouldn’t suddenly stop being attracted to them when you found out they had a penis” OR “if you do stop being attracted, you’re a bigot,” etc.

Um, come again? Initial attraction happens all the time and easily dies for any number of reasons; I’ve been attracted to many people and will instantly become unattracted upon finding out they’re a smoker, or they’re religious, or they eat meat, or that they don’t bathe! You can lose attraction for all sorts of reasons, and no one has to justify jack shit. ATTRACTION CANNOT BE CONTROLLED OR FORCED, despite what homophobics want us to believe.

“Blah blah genital fetishist blah blah.”

a) Shockingly enough, we like the whole woman. All of her. Every aspect of her femaleness contributes to our attraction. Would you like to amend your bullshit slur to “female body fetishist”? Either way, since you haven’t realized, we don’t give a flying fuck what you call us. Female homosexuals aka “genital fetishists” are going to continue existing, as they have for millennia, right in front of your fucking faces, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

b) Y’all are happy to support every disgusting fetish the Internet spews forth, so don’t think we don’t see right through this misogynistic horseshit.

c) It is not possible to have a “genital fetish,” because a fetish is defined as a non-sexual thing from which one derives sexual pleasure/arousal. Shockingly enough, sex organs are a fairly integral part of sexual activity and everyone has a right to choose which one(s) they include in theirs.

When asked to define trans and they come up with the crap about how their “gender identity” doesn’t match their “assigned sex” while simultaneously trying to argue that sex doesn’t exist and penises can be female—

Buddy… your sex wasn’t assigned, any more than your skin color or eye color were assigned. It was observed. Gender norms were assigned to you. They are imposed on each of us, every day of our lives. In most western cultures, we can choose not to adhere to them, but we certainly can’t immunize ourselves against their effect on us, and we canNOT choose to opt out of our sex. Science isn’t there yet. But good news – your sex is ONLY a description of the body you were born with. That’s… literally… all it is. It’s not good or bad, it’s not a status symbol, it’s not an identity, it’s not changeable, it doesn’t determine your worth or your potential, it doesn’t define you in the least. It only describes your biological construction. We have words to describe hair and eye color: brown, blue, green, ginger. No matter our personal feelings about our eyes or hair, their color doesn’t change (except with surface modifications). Take out the green tinted lenses and your eyes are still blue. Let your bleached hair grow out and the brown will reappear. We are what we are. These words are descriptors. Male and female are descriptors. They DESCRIBE your body. That’s all.

How in the fucking universe did these words come to carry such a hated, negative weight? How has sexist culture warped us so badly that we are raising a generation who literally cannot bear to accept their own physical reality? How poorly and pathetically has society failed, to create this psychological monster?

For the thousandth time, for the thousandth reason, I am once again appalled to call myself human.