
Can’t guys

Just wear dresses and have long hair

and like

Not call themselves women

Like why is it so bad to be a man who wears dresses and pretty undies and jewelry and like, crochets or whatever

And like. They call us conservative while they’re the ones saying “I’m a woman bc I like dresses and makeup” and we’re the ones saying “let men wear dresses and makeup.”

like why. Can’t we just. Exist in harmony with the reality of our sex and look however we want, like whatever we like, have whatever personality we have.

and of course, I fully respect the condition of dysphoria and the pain it causes, not that many trans activists consider themselves dysphoric anymore – but the issue arises when “I want to be the opposite sex” becomes “I am the opposite sex because reality is only in my mind, and everyone else must validate my delusion.”

The trans cult has made it impossible nowadays for people to simply be gender noncomforming without a label. The “identity” movement is so jam-packed with ego that it paralyzes our psychological growth – it prevents us from existing as our true, free selves – instead selling us a false, artificial sense of self that relies on constant effort, performance, and external validation.

Does anyone really believe that brings inner peace, fulfillment, or happiness?!

look at the teachings of Buddha! The entire premise was to abandon ego, because attachment to our idea of the “self” is the root of personal conflict and distress.

I don’t know how to conclude these thoughts, I’m just so pissed and frustrated.

I really, really wish I could take my gay wife to gay pride to celebrate our hard-earned gay rights without having to worry about being assaulted by a bunch of psychos who think telling lesbians to like dick is progressive and woke™️.

Welcome to 2018.

Observation: the trans activist agenda is succeeding not only because everyone is still wired to enforce gender roles and sexism, but because heteronormative society, who largely controls liberal culture, has had it drilled into them for decades that we have to Accept People As They Are And Celebrate Diversity, and the social punishment for NOT doing this has (rightfully so) become so ostracizing and marginalizing that, for added insurance, the implicit mantra has evolved into Accept Everything Without Question. Performing generic acceptance behavior has become much less risky than questioning or disagreeing.

I see this as an unfortunate and dangerous side effect of the gay rights movement’s success. Most of liberal society has a laissez-faire mindset, which means they aren’t invested enough to question, yet still desperately want to avoid being labeled a bigot or conservative, because to put it simply, conservatives aren’t cool. So they’ve become mindless yes-men for individualistic choice liberalism, regardless of whether it’s a hit or miss: you’re gay? GREAT we accept you as you are! That’s what we do now! Questioning that got us labeled homophobic and that’s not a cool word, that’s a word for out-of-touch grandpas and rednecks. You wanna sell your body on the street? YES whatever you choose! All choices are empowering! Wanna cover your entire body to honor a patriarchal deity because a pedophile prophet said so? DO IT! Hashtag cultural diversity! You’re a woman because you say so? Yes! Go you, what bravery!

I honestly think many if not most liberals are a bunch of fucking phonies. I don’t think most of them are truly, deep down, non-racist, or pro-women’s lib, or 100% supportive of gays, or care about poor people. I think much of modern liberalism is an act of denial and avoidance, a “thoughts and prayers” approach to social issues, a way to sound like you give a shit without doing anything, a blanket label that people adopt to look like “the nice guy.”

(And if a guy has to insist that he’s “nice”… well, you know.)

I’m not implying they’re all ill-willed. I’m just implying that… most people don’t think very deeply or critically about much of anything, and that’s the root of most sociopolitical problems.

But back to my point, I think things like homophobia got people in enough trouble that now everyone’s afraid to say no to ANYTHING. No questioning allowed. No critical analysis. Yes to all, include everything, exclude nothing, blur every line, turn a blind eye, it’s all good.

It’s all good.

What’s really disturbing is how trans activists steal radical feminist argument structures and political language – but they try to turn it around to fit their nonsense ideology and it just makes no sense? Like now they’re trying to throw around words like “strawman” and “gaslighting,” trying to use them in opposite/nonsensical contexts and make posts that mimic our argument styles but their arguments are utter lunacy with no backing and no logic and it’s just like… how do y’all even exist in the real world? How have y’all made it this far? They’re like kids playing dress-up in mom’s clothes – the clothes don’t fit and they’re drowning in them.

It’s cringeworthy but also terrifying because the thing is, much of the rest of the world isn’t smart enough to spot a bullshit argument. We do not teach children how to debate, how to separate facts from fact-sounding fictions, how to construct an argument from reason and rationale and evidence, HOW TO ACCEPT WHEN YOU ARE WRONG. We don’t teach these things in school, the most valuable things anyone could ever learn! And this is why their movement is gaining momentum, because they’re manipulating the dumbasses of the masses – because that’s what abusers and control-seekers are great at. Manipulation. It’s all classic cult and abuser behavior – attacking, invading, making demands, and then claiming victim status themselves when their victims fight back or even merely resist. Not to mention the outright lies – which have only brought to light, most horrifyingly, how easily people will believe anything they read if it’s structured the right way.

On the upside, this is also why their movement is gaining loads of negative publicity and causing mass cases of peak trans. Because bullshit only holds up for so long.

What’s Current: Homeless women sue shelter after being forced to shower with trans-identfied male

From the linked news article:

“The women say they repeatedly complained to staff members [about the sexual harassment], but were told if they didn’t respect the person’s decision to identify as a woman, and if they refused to take showers at the same time, they’d get kicked out of the shelter.”

The headline fails to mention that this man was sexually harassing the women in the showers.

…and this comes right after trans-IDing females beat up a lesbian as she left a gay bar, which they got her kicked out of for having acknowledged they were female a year ago.

Our dystopia may be subtler than Panem, but it’s a dystopia nonetheless. Right here, right now, we are living in a legitimate, violent, homophobic, woman-hating dystopia masquerading as Woke™️. Let that sink in.

The gay people fighting for gay rights at Stonewall would be appalled at what the “gay” community has become.

Angel from Rent would weep at how trans cultists treat women, especially lesbians.

I hope I live long enough to see the next wave of feminism crush every last ounce of this bullshit. Banish it from politics, from laws, from sight, until it’s nothing more than an embarrassing footnote in humanity’s already pathetic history.

The most ludicrous pile of horseshit I keep seeing from trans cultists is the whole “trans women of color started the Stonewall Riots,” which is a complete baldfaced lie that has been debunked by, y’know, real historical evidence – but what gets me is how that even makes sense to them? Like Stonewall and the whole gay rights movement that followed were about GAY RIGHTS. It was NOT – not even the tiniest bit – about forcing people to call you by “preferred pronouns” or getting lesbians to take dick. It was literally the opposite of that. The entire point was to create a safe, accepting world for SAME-SEX attracted people. Homosexual males with male bodies and homosexual females with female bodies (as a professional writer, the amount of preposterous redundancy we are forced to use nowadays in order to clarify that we mean actual men and women is insane).

Because. Y’know. Those same-sex bodies loving each other were the reason gays were persecuted. Yes, you heard correctly: the gay rights movement was started to establish GAY RIGHTS. Try to contain your shock.

The homophobic trans ideology of today is in total opposition to what Stonewall represented and catalyzed. Every single person at those riots would be branded a “TERF” today, gay men included.

Like, my mind is just blown at this level of irrational stupidity. How does someone make it through life lacking such basic critical thinking skills?