What’s Current: Homeless women sue shelter after being forced to shower with trans-identfied male
From the linked news article:
“The women say they repeatedly complained to staff members [about the sexual harassment], but were told if they didn’t respect the person’s decision to identify as a woman, and if they refused to take showers at the same time, they’d get kicked out of the shelter.”
The headline fails to mention that this man was sexually harassing the women in the showers.
…and this comes right after trans-IDing females beat up a lesbian as she left a gay bar, which they got her kicked out of for having acknowledged they were female a year ago.
Our dystopia may be subtler than Panem, but it’s a dystopia nonetheless. Right here, right now, we are living in a legitimate, violent, homophobic, woman-hating dystopia masquerading as Woke™️. Let that sink in.