The most ludicrous pile of horseshit I keep seeing from trans cultists is the whole “trans women of color started the Stonewall Riots,” which is a complete baldfaced lie that has been debunked by, y’know, real historical evidence – but what gets me is how that even makes sense to them? Like Stonewall and the whole gay rights movement that followed were about GAY RIGHTS. It was NOT – not even the tiniest bit – about forcing people to call you by “preferred pronouns” or getting lesbians to take dick. It was literally the opposite of that. The entire point was to create a safe, accepting world for SAME-SEX attracted people. Homosexual males with male bodies and homosexual females with female bodies (as a professional writer, the amount of preposterous redundancy we are forced to use nowadays in order to clarify that we mean actual men and women is insane).

Because. Y’know. Those same-sex bodies loving each other were the reason gays were persecuted. Yes, you heard correctly: the gay rights movement was started to establish GAY RIGHTS. Try to contain your shock.

The homophobic trans ideology of today is in total opposition to what Stonewall represented and catalyzed. Every single person at those riots would be branded a “TERF” today, gay men included.

Like, my mind is just blown at this level of irrational stupidity. How does someone make it through life lacking such basic critical thinking skills?

I am so woefully sick of gendershits spewing nonsense mantras like “sexual attraction is based on [some gender bullshit]” – can we please require Internet goons to take a basic linguistics course before opening their mouths?

Sexual ATTRACTION is based on whatever the hell is attractive to someone. Tallness, shortness, red hair, blue eyes, a cute laugh, a warm smile, a kind demeanor, a shared penchant for Xena fan fiction.

Sexual ORIENTATION describes the sex(es) to whom you are sexually attracted: male and/or female. Doing the math in a sexually dimorphic species, one is either homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, or asexual.

Attraction to some vague notion of “femininity” isn’t an “orientation.” It’s an attraction, or more accurately, a fetish.

Not synonyms. Not in need of “reexamining” or “unlearning.” Not ever.