
Can’t guys

Just wear dresses and have long hair

and like

Not call themselves women

Like why is it so bad to be a man who wears dresses and pretty undies and jewelry and like, crochets or whatever

And like. They call us conservative while they’re the ones saying “I’m a woman bc I like dresses and makeup” and we’re the ones saying “let men wear dresses and makeup.”

like why. Can’t we just. Exist in harmony with the reality of our sex and look however we want, like whatever we like, have whatever personality we have.

and of course, I fully respect the condition of dysphoria and the pain it causes, not that many trans activists consider themselves dysphoric anymore – but the issue arises when “I want to be the opposite sex” becomes “I am the opposite sex because reality is only in my mind, and everyone else must validate my delusion.”

The trans cult has made it impossible nowadays for people to simply be gender noncomforming without a label. The “identity” movement is so jam-packed with ego that it paralyzes our psychological growth – it prevents us from existing as our true, free selves – instead selling us a false, artificial sense of self that relies on constant effort, performance, and external validation.

Does anyone really believe that brings inner peace, fulfillment, or happiness?!

look at the teachings of Buddha! The entire premise was to abandon ego, because attachment to our idea of the “self” is the root of personal conflict and distress.

I don’t know how to conclude these thoughts, I’m just so pissed and frustrated.

The woman who eschews femininity, who is content with her natural shape and size and smell, who is impatient with the lengthy rituals of femininity, is condemned by both sexes. To women, she is an uncomfortable reminder of the extent to which they have abandoned themselves to the demands of men. To men, she is a threatening warning that their domination is not total and that women still have the power to regain themselves.

– Anne Summers, Damned Whores and God’s Police

I have sympathy for people who genuinely believe they live in the wrong body, but my sympathy starts to wane when I am labelled a “menstruator” with a “front hole”. My sympathy also wanes when actual women’s concerns about sharing private spaces with men are dismissed, and women’s views ignored. I have almost no sympathy left however when I and everyone else is asked to alter objective realities in the public space to accommodate someone else’s desire to change their sex.

— Anne Marie Waters

“I don’t understand how feminists can support the idea that identifying male violence is contingent on whether or not the perpetrator consents to being identified male. Whether I consent to being identified female or not makes no difference to my experience of female oppression. It’s something done to me, not something I identify into. Males can use wordplay to render their violence unnameable, but females cannot use wordplay to render their oppression unexperienceable.”

-Victoria Smith

I love how “you just haven’t met the right man yet” didn’t work so they resorted to “WELL ACKSHUALLY I’m a woman inside so if you won’t have sex with me you’re a bigoted genital fetishist!”

(Being a bi radfem is fun because I get to be like “no buddy it’s not your dick I have a problem with IT’S YOU.”)