Every single fucking political agenda addresses issues at the surface level. There is not even a whisper of DISCUSSION about the root problems.

We are separating innocent children from their families at the border. This is appalling. So what is the big debate? Let everyone in or keep prosecuting the adults. Neither, of course, is a solution. One is sheer cruelty and the other, given enough time and leniency, WILL result in an overpopulated country without enough jobs or resources to accommodate everyone.

So why aren’t we going deeper? I know going to the level of restructuring our society to a resource-based economy is too deep for most to swallow, but we can still go deeper than where we are.


These children should never have had life imposed on them by parents who knew fully well what that life would entail. That is the first cruelty – and that stems from pro-procreation culture, a worldwide misogynistic ideology that opposes birth control, teaches men that they have a right to women’s bodies and reproductive capacities, and teaches women that their primary purpose in life is to be a mother and that their life will be meaningless if they aren’t.

We are not addressing birth control, we are not addressing misogyny, we are not addressing the assumption – especially in the poorest societies lacking education – that it is a woman’s duty to bear children at any cost.

My wife presented this argument not long ago and was called “privileged” for “implying that only rich people should have children” – ironically, by a rich white woman with children. I can’t believe I have to explain this, but there is a substantial difference between “children should not be born into poverty” and “only rich people should be allowed to breed.” And since we cannot simply wave a wand and POOF away all the world’s poverty, we should at least focus on discouraging people from bringing children into it. Stopping the cycle.

No child, for any reason, NO EXCEPTIONS, should be brought into a chaotic life without immediate opportunities for safety, education, freedom, and all basic necessities.

In short, no child should be brought into a world that someone would want to escape from.

You want to address poverty, sexism, crime, violence, mental illness – you have to start at the ROOT: Give women education and access to birth control. GIVE. WOMEN. REPRODUCTIVE. SOVEREIGNTY.


The gay people fighting for gay rights at Stonewall would be appalled at what the “gay” community has become.

Angel from Rent would weep at how trans cultists treat women, especially lesbians.

I hope I live long enough to see the next wave of feminism crush every last ounce of this bullshit. Banish it from politics, from laws, from sight, until it’s nothing more than an embarrassing footnote in humanity’s already pathetic history.

I hope straight and bi radfems who date men don’t give up hope entirely. I know 99.9% of them are useless shits, but there are a few great ones out there, I promise. There is more to life outside the narrow lens of the Internet. Don’t let Tumblr convince you there are zero males who deserve to be alive. You will eventually find one who doesn’t watch porn, doesn’t expect you to wear makeup or shave, calls out other men on sexist shit, and knows what to do with your clit. They’re out there, just be patient. ❤

The woman who eschews femininity, who is content with her natural shape and size and smell, who is impatient with the lengthy rituals of femininity, is condemned by both sexes. To women, she is an uncomfortable reminder of the extent to which they have abandoned themselves to the demands of men. To men, she is a threatening warning that their domination is not total and that women still have the power to regain themselves.

– Anne Summers, Damned Whores and God’s Police

I have sympathy for people who genuinely believe they live in the wrong body, but my sympathy starts to wane when I am labelled a “menstruator” with a “front hole”. My sympathy also wanes when actual women’s concerns about sharing private spaces with men are dismissed, and women’s views ignored. I have almost no sympathy left however when I and everyone else is asked to alter objective realities in the public space to accommodate someone else’s desire to change their sex.

— Anne Marie Waters

Y’know what, let those fuckers have “woman.” We deserve a word for ourselves that doesn’t have “man” in it anyway.

They can try to twist language till they’re blue in the face, but they can’t do a damn thing about the fact that half the population is still here, daring to exist with our vaginas, just like every one of their mothers did.

“I don’t understand how feminists can support the idea that identifying male violence is contingent on whether or not the perpetrator consents to being identified male. Whether I consent to being identified female or not makes no difference to my experience of female oppression. It’s something done to me, not something I identify into. Males can use wordplay to render their violence unnameable, but females cannot use wordplay to render their oppression unexperienceable.”

-Victoria Smith

Like, the solution to eliminating patriarchy isn’t to pretend it doesn’t exist by allowing men to invade women’s spaces and stake claim to our lived reality.

The solution is to end patriarchy.

The solution is not to house males in women’s prisons and shelters on the basis of ~personal feels~; the solution is to eliminate male violence and the staggering “1 in 5 women are sexually assaulted” statistic. The rape rates, the murder rates, the domestic violence rates, and all the subtle psychological violence that the male sex inflicts upon us via the enforcement of social gender constructs. Eliminate the pressure for women to wear makeup. Eliminate sex trafficking. Eliminate the lack of access to safe birth control and reproductive healthcare. Eliminate misogynistic religions (aka all of them). ALL of these problems are caused and upheld by the male sex class.

My blood boils when a trans activist compares sex segregation (i.e. female safe spaces) to racial segregation. Women’s safe spaces were created to protect them from male oppression and violence. Our safe spaces were made necessary because your sex is full of violent misogynists. Wanna change that? Start fighting the violent misogynists instead of acting just like them.

Our problems AND yours are the result of patriarchy, so maybe start addressing and solving the problems caused by your own sex instead of telling us the problems don’t exist, or they they’re women’s fault. Stop fighting women who won’t suck your dick and start fighting the reasons we need feminism – that is the only action that will earn you a “place” in the women’s movement.

I swear, I have never seen an actual woman hate women as much as the men claiming to be women do. Incredible.