INTERVIEW: Maria MacLachlan on the GRA and the aftermath of her assault at Speaker’s Corner
Month: June 2018
Can I just say
how fucking pissed I am
that we use “born this way” as an excuse for homosexuality.
It’s a stupid argument, first of all, because there is no proof anyone is “born” gay. There isn’t a gay gene. Infants don’t have a sexual orientation.
But more to the point, IT DOESN’T MATTER.
It doesn’t MATTER whether we are “born gay” or whether our life experience influences our same-sex attraction. It wouldn’t even matter if being gay were a choice. I’d choose it every fucking time. It doesn’t fucking matter because gay doesn’t need an excuse. It doesn’t need an explanation. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING SAME-SEX ATTRACTED.
So all of you, stop playing the apologist. Stop making excuses for gayness. WE DON’T NEED ANY.
I went to a yoga class tonight, and although some aspects were a bit too silly-yogi-spiritual for my liking, the instructor had some interesting things to say about time – how our relationship with it is so negative, and how that harms us.
We want to slow it down. Speed it up. Reverse it. We want more of it, we never have enough.
In reality, time is a gift. Every moment. And when she said that, I thought of an analogy: when someone gives us a gift, we are appreciative of it in that moment. We’re never thinking, when will the next gift come? We’re not comparing it to past gifts or future gifts. We’re not wishing for more gifts. We’re just grateful.
Imagine if we can approach the moments of our lives in this same way…
This morning I asked myself, how long before the trans cult harasses Amandla Stenberg for being unapologetically gay?
The answer is about 12 hours, apparently.
Every single fucking political agenda addresses issues at the surface level. There is not even a whisper of DISCUSSION about the root problems.
We are separating innocent children from their families at the border. This is appalling. So what is the big debate? Let everyone in or keep prosecuting the adults. Neither, of course, is a solution. One is sheer cruelty and the other, given enough time and leniency, WILL result in an overpopulated country without enough jobs or resources to accommodate everyone.
So why aren’t we going deeper? I know going to the level of restructuring our society to a resource-based economy is too deep for most to swallow, but we can still go deeper than where we are.
These children should never have had life imposed on them by parents who knew fully well what that life would entail. That is the first cruelty – and that stems from pro-procreation culture, a worldwide misogynistic ideology that opposes birth control, teaches men that they have a right to women’s bodies and reproductive capacities, and teaches women that their primary purpose in life is to be a mother and that their life will be meaningless if they aren’t.
We are not addressing birth control, we are not addressing misogyny, we are not addressing the assumption – especially in the poorest societies lacking education – that it is a woman’s duty to bear children at any cost.
My wife presented this argument not long ago and was called “privileged” for “implying that only rich people should have children” – ironically, by a rich white woman with children. I can’t believe I have to explain this, but there is a substantial difference between “children should not be born into poverty” and “only rich people should be allowed to breed.” And since we cannot simply wave a wand and POOF away all the world’s poverty, we should at least focus on discouraging people from bringing children into it. Stopping the cycle.
No child, for any reason, NO EXCEPTIONS, should be brought into a chaotic life without immediate opportunities for safety, education, freedom, and all basic necessities.
In short, no child should be brought into a world that someone would want to escape from.
You want to address poverty, sexism, crime, violence, mental illness – you have to start at the ROOT: Give women education and access to birth control. GIVE. WOMEN. REPRODUCTIVE. SOVEREIGNTY.
Psst. What if I told you that you’re allowed to criticize culture.
You don’t have to accept something in the name of ~cultural diversity~ or ~cultural relativism~. Stop fucking walking on eggshells and call shit out.
Speak out against any and every “cultural tradition” or “cultural practice” that is sexist (FGM, hijab, literally every religion), speciesist (not-for-survival animal consumption, bull fighting, exploiting animals for labor, etc.), racist, homophobic, environmentally destructive, or generally harmful to others.
All culture is the fucking same at the bottom. Every major culture out there is sexist, carnist, religious, and full of problems. Criticize everything from the root. Don’t glamorize or pedestalize cultures out of some sense of forced deference for the ~exotic.
Right and wrong don’t change when you cross a fucking border.
Vegan: sorry, I can’t eat that, I’m vegan.
Carnist: *acts surprised and intrigued, asks 200 questions we’ve heard a million times before, brings other people into the conversation to get them on their side, acts like they have insider knowledge about veganism, talks about how they could never do it, makes up shit about how it’s unhealthy or expensive, makes bacon jokes*
Carnist: lol vegans never shut up about veganism
me: a summary
Hey “bisexual” women, how about this. If your mouth doesn’t water at the thought of eating pussy, DON’T CALL YOURSELF BI, you attention-grabbing, heteronormative apologist pieces of shit. Kissing your ~bff after four shots of vodka doesn’t make you a member of the LGB community and doesn’t make you an ally. Find another way to make yourself feel special and edgy.