Psst. What if I told you that you’re allowed to criticize culture.
You don’t have to accept something in the name of ~cultural diversity~ or ~cultural relativism~. Stop fucking walking on eggshells and call shit out.
Speak out against any and every “cultural tradition” or “cultural practice” that is sexist (FGM, hijab, literally every religion), speciesist (not-for-survival animal consumption, bull fighting, exploiting animals for labor, etc.), racist, homophobic, environmentally destructive, or generally harmful to others.
All culture is the fucking same at the bottom. Every major culture out there is sexist, carnist, religious, and full of problems. Criticize everything from the root. Don’t glamorize or pedestalize cultures out of some sense of forced deference for the ~exotic.
Right and wrong don’t change when you cross a fucking border.