What’s really disturbing is how trans activists steal radical feminist argument structures and political language – but they try to turn it around to fit their nonsense ideology and it just makes no sense? Like now they’re trying to throw around words like “strawman” and “gaslighting,” trying to use them in opposite/nonsensical contexts and make posts that mimic our argument styles but their arguments are utter lunacy with no backing and no logic and it’s just like… how do y’all even exist in the real world? How have y’all made it this far? They’re like kids playing dress-up in mom’s clothes – the clothes don’t fit and they’re drowning in them.

It’s cringeworthy but also terrifying because the thing is, much of the rest of the world isn’t smart enough to spot a bullshit argument. We do not teach children how to debate, how to separate facts from fact-sounding fictions, how to construct an argument from reason and rationale and evidence, HOW TO ACCEPT WHEN YOU ARE WRONG. We don’t teach these things in school, the most valuable things anyone could ever learn! And this is why their movement is gaining momentum, because they’re manipulating the dumbasses of the masses – because that’s what abusers and control-seekers are great at. Manipulation. It’s all classic cult and abuser behavior – attacking, invading, making demands, and then claiming victim status themselves when their victims fight back or even merely resist. Not to mention the outright lies – which have only brought to light, most horrifyingly, how easily people will believe anything they read if it’s structured the right way.

On the upside, this is also why their movement is gaining loads of negative publicity and causing mass cases of peak trans. Because bullshit only holds up for so long.